Al-Safadi: The Israeli narrative about what is happening in Gaza is untrue and illogical

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Ayman Safadi,

04-01-2024 03:34 PM


Al-Safadi: We are operating our legal files to deal with the war crimes committed by Israel in Gaza
Al-Safadi: There is no diversity in the government’s, the parliament’s, and the people’s stance towards what is happening in Gaza


AkhbaralyoomMinister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates, Ayman Safadi, stated on Thursday that The Israeli narrative about what is happening in Gaza is “untrue and illogical”, stressing that the current condition being dealt with is ‘unprecedented’ with a state committing crimes.
Throughout a meeting with the Financial Committee in the Parliament, he added that Jordan works in accordance with a clear methodology to confront the ‘unjustified and brutal’ attack on Gaza, and is operating legal files to deal with the war crimes committed by Israel in Gaza.
Regarding foreign policy, Al-Safadi stated that Jordan's current external file is basically focused on “the Israeli brutal attack on the Gaza, the escalation in illegal and unlawful actions, the murders, and the terrorism by settlers in the occupied West Bank. In addition to that, the extremist agenda that targets igniting other arenas, in addition to Gaza, in West Bank and Lebanon.”
He highlighted that the Jordanian effort embarked ‘intensively, clearly, and explicitly’ since day one with direct monitoring by His Majesty King Abdullah II, within the specified frameworks and principles set by His Majesty to exert every possible effort to cease the attack, protect Palestinians, expose the inhumane and unlawful Israeli actions that have reached to be war crimes in the Gaza.
Al-Safadi indicated that the clear message is that Israel will not be in peace as long as the Palestinians do not have it, stressing that the obstacles Israel imposes on delivering support to Gaza’s citizens are part of its policy of starvation.
And he confirmed that His Majesty has demanded the continued operation of the Jordanian field hospital in Gaza, and another hospital has been dispatched to the southern part of Gaza.
Al-Safadi stated that Jordan was the first to call for blaming Israeli officials for the crimes committed by the Israeli regime.
In an infinite toll, the number of martyrs due to the continuous attack on the Gaza for the 90th day has increased to more than 22,300, including 9,600 children and 6,750 women at least. In addition to 7,000 missing and over 57,200 wounded.
The Financial Committee in the Parliament is discussing, on Thursday, the draft budget law for 2024 for Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates and the Department of Palestinian Affairs.
"A moderate budget for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs."
Al-Safadi also stated that the budget of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is ‘moderate’ given the expected role of the ministry and its expeditions. Whereas the number of diplomatic expeditions is 59, in addition to the Diplomatic Institute. He noted that 95% of the budget is related to diplomatic expeditions and salaries.
The total estimated current and capital expenditures has come to 54,872,000 million Jordanian dinars, an increase of 2,319,000 million dinars compared to 2023.
The budget demonstrates that the most noticeable differences between the funds allocated for 2024 and the revised estimate for 2023 are in the current expenditure entry. There has been an increase in the total compensation for employees by 1,484 thousand dinars to cover the normal increase in employee compensation, and the cost of vacancies, new appointments, and those transferred to the ministry too. It also covers the departure costs of administrative and diplomatic annexes to embassies and consulates.
There has been an increase in operational expenditures by 550 thousand dinars, focused on fuel, electricity, goods and services expenses. Additionally, other expenditures increased by 26 thousand dinars due to the increase in training courses, and bonuses for non-employees. Capital expenditures increased to 259 thousand dinars for the maintenance of embassy buildings and the purchasing armored vehicles.
Translated by: Lana Dweik